Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Monkey and Peanut

I was never one for French Bulldogs. Sure, I thought they were adorable as any person would, but my usual response was petting them, then not giving them another thought after I walked away. That is, until I began to doggysit Monkey and Peanut! Now I'm hooked!

They are absolutely charming, fun, and wildly cute. Whenever I have the pleasure of watching them, the minute I enter the door they are all love and cuddles and playfulness. What an absolute treat! Now I can't get enough of playing ball with them, rubbing their bellies as they snort and gurgle, and listening to them snore while they sleep. Their human parents have invested a lot of time and love into them and, as it always does, it shows. They know their boundaries, and they don't misbehave and they're so easy going it is unreal! This is why training your pet is just as important for them as it is for you. When pets understand boundaries, everyone is happy!

I have these two sweeties to thank for converting me to French Bulldogs. Now every time I see one of their brothers or sisters in breed all I can see is the sweet nature and hysterical antics of Monkey and Peanut, and I am undone. I mean, really... just look at those faces!!

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