Thursday, August 23, 2012

Caution! Watch where you point that laser...

And now a lesson in the dangers of mixing one laser pointer, one cat and ESPN.

This is Lucy. She loves chasing her laser pointer.

She's the kind of kitty who will chase her laser pointer pretty much anywhere. If it goes up the wall, she'll leap to grab it. Run it along the ceiling and she'll jump up to the highest point in the room and chirp at the shiny red beam as it passes overhead, just waiting to pounce when it comes down to an easier vantage point within her reach.

So it's my fault really. I learned the hard way that using a laser pointer while distracted can be almost as dangerous as texting and driving. You see, I had turned on ESPN to get scores and catch some highlights from the day's baseball and preseason football games at the same time that I was making Lucy chase all over the room after her laser pointer.

What I didn't realize was that I had become too enthralled with the television and my focus wasn't on the task at hand -- Lucy's bloodlust for that pesky laser beam. I guess my hand had gotten lazy and I inadvertently run the laser pointer through my personal space more than once. The wake up call came courtesy of Lucy's paws and claws converging on my bare ankle. The sharp intrusion of pain took my eyes and everything else off the TV, I shuddered and yelped which made Lucy jump back. She turned to me, acknowledging what her actions had done to my warm, exposed flesh...and her expression had precisely zero sympathy in it. If anything, she was admonishing me for not paying enough attention to her and, frankly, judging by her fuzzy little cat face, she thought I deserved it.

Lesson learned. But now I was ready to challenge her. I was convinced she didn't have the guts to do it again, even if I was eyeballing her the entire time. So I pointed the laser at my leg again...

Does this cat look like she's about to hesitate to leap at me once more? Exactly. So I pointed it back across the room to save myself from another pouncing. Lucy went bounding after it...and I decided to check the scores on my phone when play time was over.

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